Achievement Unlocked: E2EE Messaging
Although some might call it pride or hubris, but today is a Very Important Day in Mensago’s journey. Today, for the first time, I sent an actual, real message outside …
Truly secure messaging that works like e-mail and a suite of tools to organize your life.
Connect with friends, family, and colleagues|Peace of mind and freedom to be yourself|No spam filter needed|Multiple protections from phishing and hackers
Imagine the possibilities if your calendar, to-do list, address book, and inbox all worked together with the only goal of helping you get things done.
Multiple new technologies to protect you from the different kinds of online threats.
Messages are completely encrypted. Only the sender and recipients can read them. E-mail sends postcards, we send registered mail.
Run your own server if you wish. Mensago is Free Software.
Although some might call it pride or hubris, but today is a Very Important Day in Mensago’s journey. Today, for the first time, I sent an actual, real message outside …
I try to post something every couple of months, but 2024 has been more than a little challenging in that regard. About a month ago I bought and moved into …
Hail, and well met, my friend. It’s been a long time. Too long. I’ve been so quiet here that some might have wondered if something happened or I gave up. …