There’s a lot to do. How can you help?

  • If you know Kotlin or web tech, we’d love to have help coding or maintaining the website.
  • We need support for testing infrastructure, so donations would be a huge help.
  • Help us get the word out: tell other people about what we’re doing.

Subproject Status

Current Primary Focus: Mensago Connect

Design Documents

Subproject page:

  • User Accounts and Permissions: Draft Complete
  • Identity Services: Draft Complete
  • Rich Text Format: Draft Complete
  • Messaging: Draft Complete
  • Contacts: Draft Complete
  • Notes: Draft Complete
  • File Sync and Updates: In Progress
  • Message Delivery: Awaiting
  • Scheduling: Awaiting
  • Tasks: Awaiting
Server: Mensagod

Subproject page:

  • Login: Complete
  • Account Registration: Complete
  • Identity Services: Demo Complete
  • File Transfers: Complete
  • Device Sync: In Progress
  • Message Delivery: Awaiting
Desktop Program: Mensago Connect

Subproject page:

  • Notes: In Progress
  • Address Book: In Progress
  • Messaging: In Progress
  • Device Synchronization: In Progress
  • Update Notifications: Awaiting
  • Scheduling: Awaiting
  • Tasks: Awaiting