We Need Your Support

Mensago is a small project with big goals because of an even greater need. Your support will help change the world.

Sponsorship Levels

Diamond ($500/month)

  • Your medium-size logo featured at the top of the list of sponsors on our Donation page with a link, a feature in the Thank You section of Mensago Connect, and a feature in the release notes for the server and Mensago Connect, and heartfelt gratitude from the team. Other benefits coming soon!

Ruby ($250/month)

  • Your medium-size logo featured in the list of sponsors on our Donation page with a link and a feature in the Thank You section of Mensago Connect, and heartfelt gratitude from the team. Other benefits coming soon!

Emerald ($100/month)

  • Your medium-size logo featured in the list of sponsors on our Donation page with a link and heartfelt gratitude from the team. Other benefits coming soon!

Sapphire ($50/month)

  • A small logo or avatar featured in the list of sponsors on our Donation page and heartfelt gratitude from the team. Other benefits coming soon!

Topaz ($25/month)

  • Your name at at the top of the general sponsors list and heartfelt gratitude from the team. Other benefits coming soon!

Amethyst ($10/month)

  • Your name in the general sponsors list and heartfelt gratitude from the team. Other benefits coming soon!


Be the first to be on our sponsor list!